WARM Programs and Services
Learn more about how WARM serves Waynesboro’s neediest citizens.

Cold Weather (Thermal) Shelter
WARM serves the city of Waynesboro’s neediest citizens through the ministry of a Cold Weather (Thermal) Shelter. Our Cold Weather shelter, a low-barrier winter emergency shelter, operates overnight only from November to March of each year. During those winter months we provide shelter, transportation, community referrals, linens, and some personal care and basic need items to homeless adults at no cost. To do so, we coordinate services with area church congregations and leaders who participate as weekly shelter sites and volunteers.
Homeless adults (18 years or older) without accompanying children may participate in the program at anytime throughout the winter season. There are not any formal eligibility requirements except, in addition to being 18 years or older without children, guests must be respectful of WARM staff, volunteers, church sites, other guests, and the shelter rules. Homeless individuals may participate by contacting the Shelter Info Line at 540-254-7888, emailing staff at cws@warmwaynesboro.org or by meeting at the designated evening pickup site during the winter season.
Each church that hosts the shelter provides an onsite sleeping area for WARM’s guests, meals, evening volunteers, overnight volunteers, and a Church/Site Coordinator that works alongside the program’s Services Coordinator and Operations Coordinator and acts as a liaison for the church and WARM. Prior to becoming a hosting site each church is offered an onsite volunteer training provided by WARM to help ensure that each church partner is fully acclimated with the program’s operation, confidentiality, and expectations.
Any churches that are interested in participating with the shelter or community members who want to support the shelter’s work through financial donations, food, supplies, and/or volunteering may leave a message for shelter staff at 540-254-7888.

Ruth’s WARM House
In early 2014, WARM began providing temporary shelter to homeless women with children who desire the opportunity to gain self-sufficiency and long-term stability. Our program, Ruth’s WARM House, offers cost-free family oriented shelter for up to 7 families at one time. The program provides the support system and structure necessary for each family to regain their stability. Some of the supports include minimal transportation, meals (as available), community referrals, basic amenities, mentors, parenting classes, life skills training, financial management, and other trainings that assist in their transition from homelessness to a future of hope. Families may participate in the program for up to six months but may transition out of residential services as early as one to two months. Additionally, WARM offers aftercare for all families following residential services. Aftercare staff provide in-home case management and support that build off of the residential service for up to 12 months following each family’s exit.
All applicants must be homeless or an immediate danger of becoming homeless, female, eighteen years or older, have at least one child in their custody/care (under 18 years at time of entry), must not have any unattended warrants and/or capiases, must not be fleeing from a current domestic violence incidence, and must be willing to abide by WARM regulations and program requirements.
For the safety of our staff and residents, we cannot give Ruth’s WARM House access to applicants that appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at intake, in need of immediate medical and/or mental health treatment, or anyone believed to be a potential danger to themselves or others.
Please visit our needs list or volunteer page for other opportunities to support homeless women with children. You can also donate securely online.
Please contact the WARM office at 540-324-8166 if you would like to receive further information.
Community Outreach
WARM’s Community Outreach efforts coordinate with regional homeless prevention, rapid rehousing, and diversion services by our organization and partners. Community Outreach also includes referrals and support services to persons and families who are experiencing homelessness, formerly homeless or participating in the Aftercare Program of Ruth’s Warm House.
Although outreach efforts are extremely important to WARM’s work, this program is in capacity building stages and does not currently have designated staffing. However, we work closely with partner agencies who have staff and funding that are the foundation of our collaborative work. Due to these limitations, all requests cannot be met, and we are required to follow eligibility and guidelines from our funding sources. In these cases, WARM still makes every effort to support and help each potential client navigate resources, address their need, and explore the factors that contributed to the circumstance (if any).
Contact the WARM office at 540-324-8166 Monday-Friday between the hours of 10am-4pm to learn more, request assistance or receive support services through our Community Outreach program. You may also call the Valley Homeless Connection hotline, managed by Valley Community Services Board, at 540-213-7347. WARM is one of the lead agencies with VHC and your information will undergo the same process regardless of your method of contact.